Sunday, 27 September 2015

The food and fresh air combo!

Once again the Norfolk weather has not disappointed with stunning September blue skies and unseasonably warm temperatures. So we took advantage of this and headed to Wells for some scooting, ice cream and crabbing (no crabs caught again!). I know - we always go to Wells, but us Hammonds like what we like and food and fresh air are usually top of the agenda! It has been a lovely family day and so very relaxing. I walked along with Lucy and could not miss the opportunity to tell her how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful place. Topped off with a cup of tea in Grandma's garden and a delicious roast dinner on Libby's slabbage. This weekend has brought the arrival of a family favourite in 'Strictly Come Dancing' - Anna entertaining us with one of her most sarcastic comments ever when a more mature contestant was revealed she simply lay back, smiled and said 'Good luck with that one mate!' to the professional dancer! Above, please find recorded for posterity, some of the coolest homework I have ever seen - a Lego Stonehenge that Lucy and Amy put together last week. Sheer genius!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Passing ships in the night...

The school routine along with all its trappings has definitely kicked in and I am seeing less and less of the girls. A quick catch up in the evening before bed and a passing kiss in the morning if I am lucky, or in Anna's case a grunt from the top of her bunk bed is the sum of all communication! (Going through a bit of a phase at the moment - stubborn and not listening) I use the carefree picture to the right as a point of reference that summer is now well and truly gone and we move to the next part of the yearly cycle in the Hammond house. Christmas I hear you ask - not at all. Wow betide we would bypass the most expensive week of the year and the two lovely ladies opposites birthdays in October. Both have placed their orders and the list is getting bigger and bigger. Lucy has been counting down for months. I simply may have to cancel the whole week - would be cheaper! 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

It's never too cold for an ice cream!

I have not yet had time this week to reflect on the lovely day I spent in charge of our feral children last Saturday whilst Amy spent some quality time with her folks and family. Hand on heart, I can't say it started that well with both girls bordering on killing each other in an argument, but after I used my peace keeping skills the day settled down. In spite of the freezing cold weather and spells of lashing it down we trekked off to Wells and spent some really good time together prating around in playland, blowing quite a few pennies in the arcades, buying seaside tat and of course eating the obligatory ice cream. I know that I am frequently very soppy in my thoughts of family life, but I remember walking in the rain with a each girl holding my hand, thinking how lucky I was and I would quite happily have pressed the pause button and was content beyond words. P.S both girls have made such a positive start to the new school term with the house points and rewards flowing. Looking forward to this weekend and more family time (after the football of course)...

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Term time is on the way...

The winds of change are blowing in the Hammond house, as the pressure mounts, the preparations are complete and the mayhem that is being two working parents, balancing childcare, clubs, school and trying to get basic things such as a meal together are upon us as the last day of the holidays looms large tomorrow. Thursday heralds the beginning of term and the care free relaxed days of the summer will be long gone. Ask Amy the same question, having spent the whole summer caring for and entertaining our high maintenance children and she may say she is relieved to go back to work and give her a class room full of hyperactive children any day! Life can become very, very busy during term time with the pressures of both our jobs and military planning is required just to get through the week. If we stick together Mrs Hammond we can make it through. Great summers always have an ending sadly. Next stop Christmas!!