Sunday, 24 May 2020

Looking for suspects...

A cunning and shifty crime has occurred in my house in Lockdown. Someone, yet to be identified has raided my fifty pence jar, with five pounds worth inexplicably found in Amy's car. With no other evidence available, I am in the process of completing an in-depth investigation and slowly ruling out suspects. The jar is kept in my office and the scene of this heinous crime! Joan never goes down this end of the house, so she has been eliminated from my enquiries. Lucy never leaves her room, only for food and this is mostly witnessed. That leaves two very shifty characters. Anna is unable to leave the house and she has worked out her own ways of spending our pennies online, inadvertently (said with high levels of sarcasm) signing up to an extra X-box subscription this week and she has no need for cash at the moment as she can't go anywhere to spend it. Anna has also had her own version of 'treasure' this week in winning the parents player of the season award for all those awesome saves. She does have attitude on many occasions, but not in this context. Ruled her out. This just leaves Mrs Hammond and all routes point to her clear guilt. Umm...A mask wearing high spending lockdown yummy mummy, the money was found in her car and she admitted it with a 'rumbled and guilty' face when questioned. She giggled in that way she does when caught out. It didn't take much to break her! Stay away from the jar Mrs Hammond and written permission is required in order to enter my man space/office!!!! 

Sunday, 17 May 2020

The smug face of a teenager....

Never take on someone who is an emerging master with their craft. Lucy has such a great memory for something she is really interested in and she wiped the floor with me on a Harry Potter trivia quiz. To be honest with you, I never had a chance or a prayer!!! The upside of this, aside of the deep humiliation I suffered and believe me it was extreme, was that I got to spend some time with her which is rare. We still have the challenge of getting her to come out of her room and in teenage fashion her stark reply is 'I don't like people!' If it gets her out and I spend some time with my lovely girl in this time where we can, then I'll take a tonking and ritual humiliation every day! Yesterday, I helped her tidy her room and after the initial levels of disgust I felt and agitation at her slob like ways, I really did enjoy her company, chatting and doing something together. More please Lucy, more of your time please. I really love you and being with you x 

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Eat, sleep and repeat...

Lockdown is so hugely important for ours and the rest of societies well being and health. I have to confess that it is starting to get to me a bit. A combination of feeling penned in, frustration, worry and fear is starting to catch up with me a little bit. I'm finding it hard not to be in 'keep myself busy' mode. I'm especially worried in the context of being a parent and keeping the girls safe. I'm not really sleeping, not really settling down and struggling to take this opportunity to rest. I'm also finding it monotonous too and feel I'm loosing my freedom a bit. I know it is necessary and I have absolutely no just cause to complain. We have what we need, we have a beautiful place to live in, we have each other and we have space. I just can't help the way I feel at the moment and am desperately trying to change my mindset. So I have filled my days with gardening projects, work from home and some visits to homes, long dog walks and generally pacing up and down. Some fun things into the bargain as well. Mine and Anna's football challenge is progressing with new games such as 'football golf' being designed and played. I'm making a slight comeback and currently trailing 41-33 as it stands! We did manage to sort out our lockdown haircut situation with some free clippers coming our way. My hair was expertly cut by Anna and Amy. I was slightly worried as they had a heated debate and argument mid way through in trying to decide what to do with my awkward hair! To say I was slightly petrified was an understatement! I must pull myself together as we have many more weeks and months of this life changing situation to work through yet and I need to stay strong. I will do my best and try not to let my fears rule my head and my heart. Take one day at a time, enjoy this time of peace and quiet with Amy and the girls and push on through.....