Tuesday 27 August 2019

A break to savour with my family....

Overcome by the challenges of the European internet I have been unable to put together a holiday blog. Now home, I can fill you in. A perfect synopsis of our time away can only be - we have been unadulteratedly lazy for the last two weeks and have rested, lounged in the sun, eaten and drunk ourselves silly and it has been pure heaven. We have spent some time together as a family mostly in the evenings and our own quality time quietly resting in peace doing our separate things. I have enjoyed both so much, time with my  three girls and some time reading, drinking coffee and reflecting on a year that has been hard. Whilst I don't want to go back to work in the morning, I feel rested and ready for the challenges ahead for the rest of the year. I appreciate wholeheartedly, the wonderful family I have and this precious time with them and how lucky we are to be able to afford such a holiday that some families can only dream of. Most of all I got the winding down time I needed and I am eternally grateful to my family for their support, love and giving me a bit of space when needed. It's a strange thing to be writing about a family holiday, but it's been a strange year that I am still processing and all three seemed to know what I needed and gave it to me with love. More gratuitous holiday snaps and tales of our laziness to follow this week as I catch up. Thanks lovely girls for a great time, although it is good to be home xx

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