Saturday 12 January 2013

How can you not resist giving her a kiss!

Anna and I were in Starbucks the other day and while we were waiting for my coffee we were prating around. One of those really amazing and special one-to-one father and daughter moments you treasure. We were pretending to be posh and kiss each other on each cheek and saying 'darling so good to see you, do you come here often!' After several failed attempts and much giggling the grumpiest of women tapped me on the shoulder and said 'do you really think that is appropriate'. I guess she meant kissing my daughter. Hell yes, this is one scrumptious and kissable child, my youngest daughter and I will always smother her with affection while I can. In a few years she will be embarrassed if her old dad gives her a kiss, so I say get in their whilst you can. The lady behind me had obviously been reading the Daily Mail too much and become stupidly moral or she was a bit posh and we might have offended her with our comedy posh accents. Either way - kissing my lovely girls on the cheek and showing them I love them will always be top of my agenda. One day I will not be here to show them how much they mean to me and have changed my life. The bond I felt for those few silly moments with Anna - eye to eye, face to face and just giggling felt wonderful and unbreakable. So bite me, you grumpy old woman in Starbucks, you are obviously starved of affection and love and do not know it's wonderful impact. Love you Wiggle x

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