Monday 15 July 2019

Hammond 'pride' week!

Oh my girls have done well and the rewards are quite rightly flowing this week. Lucy smashed her school report, I am particularly proud of her as she has coped with so much change since last November and is so self reliant and disciplined (most of the time!!) with her learning and her focus at school. She openly discusses not always enjoying Downham, since our house move, but she keep going and never complains. Well done Lucy, love the progress in your history too. Her expected grades for her GCSE's, when she chooses them, rise steadily with each term. Good work!! Anna, he says with a little surprise, smashed her SATs exams and did very well indeed. She often struggles in some academic areas and credit to her for hard work and trying her best. It paid off and there is a good lesson to come out of this for her. I personally think she has conned her mother into thinking she needed more help than she did, simply to spend more time with her!! It worked a treat and her results were very positive and above expected. Well done both my girls. Another proud dad moment successfully banked and I won't try and take any credit. This all goes to your mother for the hard work she puts in with you both x

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