Saturday 27 February 2021

The sunshine definitely makes all the difference!

Lockdown continues but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The vaccination programme is building impetus, infections are reducing and things are looking brighter with the government announcing that measures will steadily start to be reduced. The great news (well at least Lucy thinks so) is that the girls look like they will be returning to school on March 8th. One giant leap back towards a bit of normal. It gives them something to focus on, as the cabin fever is most definitely setting in! We even managed to persuade the girls out on a dog walk in the spring sunshine today. Hard to believe we were shivering in the snow a few weeks ago. I'm feeling battle weary with this all, but we keep going. Keep looking after each other and take one day at a time. The kids are kicking my arse at every lockdown challenge in Uno and footy, which just adds to my demoralised mood 😆 I wonder how long we'll be doing this version of family life for, its been nearly a year now since the pandemic arrived in our lives and it has been quite a year to say the least. Insular routines are emerging, tempers are often frayed but the spring sunshine today has risen all our spirits, with the children eventually enjoying the walk after initial resistance and grumpiness! Good to see child number one or 8/10 as I now call her based on her quiz marks at school finally appearing in a picture!

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