Sunday 28 March 2021

Phase one completed and bring on the haircuts!

Throughout this torrid year Anna has been awesome and has been cutting my hair with clippers grabbed for free in lockdown one. As we move towards the end of this current lockdown, the poor girl is in desperate need to a haircut of her own, having gone a bit seventies on us in recent months 😆 I believe she is booked in around April 10th and I think it could be quite a savage cut. Amy and Lucy have barely had a cut for a year and both their hair is almost mid back! I am grateful for my twelve year old barber and the help she had given me and kept me looking smart and good in the pandemic. It's like the old principle of always put new undies on to go to the doctors! In my case, got to look smart for pandemic working in a care home. I am truly pleased that restrictions are easing and the girls can have some friends visit next week in the garden. All I want now are two things - Amy vaccination and for the girls lives to start going back to normal and give them their childhood back. In the meantime, everyone will have to settle for a spruce up and a haircut! 

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