Tuesday 7 September 2021

Schools out for summer...

Such enthusiasm in the Hammond house for the joy of learning and progression. The summer holidays that never really were have finished and the girls and Amy trudge back to school and work respectively. It's twenty eight degrees and the sun is finally shining!!  Lucy looks a bit more up for it than Anna as she enters her last year of school and her GCSE year. Dear god where did that time go! They look so smart and well presented, befitting of a photo proudly displayed on social media like the doting parents we are! 😆 I have one wish for them both and that's an uninterrupted school year, where they can learn, get out of house, spend time with friends and rebuild. By the looks of those strained smiles in the photo, I'm not sure they feel the same. Go get them girls, the world is your Oyster! 

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