Tuesday 19 October 2021

I'm not truly sure how that happened!

Time seems to pass so quickly. I find it incredulous that Lucy was sixteen a couple of days ago. She is growing into a woman before my eyes every day and I simply can't keep up. I love the tenacity, insight, caring nature, argumentative and inquisitive traits that are emerging in her personality day by day. She is always questioning things and working out a good sense of right and wrong. There are days where she is more like a union rep, but I want to encourage this. There is talk of her wanting to become a lawyer and I believe she has the intelligence, social understanding and open thinking to possibly achieve this dream developing in her. A quiet sixteenth birthday shopping and having lunch in Norwich with just us as a family. I think she really enjoyed herself and next weekend is the big event, in a trip to Harry Potter Studios. Her levels of excitement are building and I love the element of being a child she still holds and she does not seem in too much of a hurry to grow up, unless we are talking about her next piercing or her first tattoo she's planning at age eighteen! Both Amy and I are so proud of her, her hard work and the woman she is becoming. Happy Birthday Looby Chick! Loved, despite your high levels of sarcasm xx 💕

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