Sunday 17 April 2022

Lucy only went and did it as well!

Subject to exam results it looks likely that Lucy will be getting her wish fulfilled and studying for her A-levels at Long Road in Cambridge. She wants to study English, History and Criminology. I am so proud of her and all her hard work. The last round of GCSE mocks went really well, with her improving in some areas such as science where she often struggles. She is a superstar and coping really well with all the pressure, having lost so much teaching in the run up to these exams in the last couple of years. I think she must get her intelligence from her father!!  I did nearly have a heart attack researching the cost of the yearly train ticket to get her there in well over £1200!!! She's worth it though as she perhaps sees this a bit of new start, making new friends and starting to get some wider life experience. She's so brave to branch out. My natural inclination, after all this madness would be to stay close to home, but as Lucy says 'she loves us, but doesn't like us and hates most people!' 😆 Keep going in the coming weeks and the rewards will be yours. Go forth and enjoy the adventure xx

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