Monday 8 August 2022

Those lovely relaxing holiday vibes....

Nothing like spending two weeks with family in an amazing place such as Sorrento, Italy. Perfect for the Hammonds with good food, ice cream galore, a pool, lovely weather and for me lots of history and archaeology to admire and enjoy. If you ask the girls this morning though if they ever want to see pizza and pasta again, I think the answer may be a resounding no!! I feel like a different man and the relaxation that came from simply stopping was like nothing I have ever experienced before., or I had simply forgotten with all that has passed. Lovely to spend time with the girls, when they weren't searching for the nearest available Wi-Fi! I particularly enjoyed the time spent with Lucy at Pompeii and the archeological museum and will be a cherished memory for ever. The context of the holiday and the area probably was not quite the girls cup of tea, but they seem to have benefited from the change and done something out of their comfort zone, which is important. Very excited return home to see the dogs and be back in their own space though as well. Anna straight out to see friends and back on some football training in the garden. For Amy and I, just time to stop, relax and wind down after some very difficult years gone by with the pandemic. This will be a family holiday I will for ever be grateful to have had, it could even be the last as the girls get older. I hope not. Now definitely skint and need to earn some more pennies fast!!! Back to the grind today and off on my work travels, with the memory of Sorrento well and truly embedded in my treasured memory bank 😊

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