Sunday, 18 May 2008

The beginning.....


This is my daughter Lucy. To say I am a proud father would be an understatement. I never had family of my own, so Lucy's birth in October 2005 opened up a new chapter in my life. My name is Bob and I live in Norfolk with my wife Amy. In seven weeks my wife will give birth to our second child. I can't wait, as Lucy has brought so much joy into my life. The baby is expected to be a girl - I always thought I was doomed to spend the rest of my life with three women! All those hormones and boyfriends.
Parenting is not something that comes naturally to me. Before Lucy came along I thought I had got life pretty much figured out, I knew what I was doing, I run a Care Home - so I thought I had a good knowledge of people and what makes them tick.
However. I was SO WRONG. CHILDREN JUST TEAR UP THE RULE BOOK AND MAKE YOU START AGAIN. There is not a day that does not go by where I don't worry about being a good dad to Lucy. I thought that I would use this blog as a way of sharing what I think of parenting and family life. It is still such a new experience for me and every day I learn something new. I make so many mistakes and get some things right. Being a dad is difficult and you can often feel useless and sidelined - especially when babies are very small. I felt like a glorified tea maker when Lucy was small. I did it to an exceptionally high standard though! I am not trying to re-invent the wheel in child development. I just feel that as my blog progresses I can share my experiences about family life. Would welcome comments from any reader.......

I leave you with this today.

Five amazing things about being Lucy's dad....
  1. Watching her grow and sharing all those new things that are amazing about childhood
  2. When she calls me daddy, such a simple word, my heart melts.

  3. The love that we have between us is like nothing else I have ever experienced. I can't describe it.

  4. Her giggle is infectious!

  5. Bathtime has always been my time, wrapping her up in a warm towel afterwards just tops it off.

Five worries about being Lucy's dad.....

  1. The fear of loosing her.

  2. The fear of something bad happening to her.

  3. Not knowing whether I am doing the right thing.

  4. Her obsession with Pingu! It drives me mad...

  5. Wanting her to become the good person I know she can be and it is my responsibility to enable her to fulfill her potential.

1 comment:

Bob Hammond said...

To the best daddy in the world,
I couldn't have done this without you; the tea making in the early days, bath time to give me a break, the way you are helping me now I am 8 months pregnant - you truely are amazing and doing a wonderful job!
Love Amy x