Sunday, 21 September 2008

Meet Grandma and the meaning of life....

Once again it has been a week when I have not seen much of the girls, so I thought that I would do a post introducing another one of the girl's extended family. This is Grandma, she is attached to my side of the family. There is no genetic connection between her and the girls as she is my foster parent and Lucy simply loves her to bits as do I. She was chuffed to bits and very proud when we discussed whether Lucy should call her Grandma. I grew up in a very diverse house and am very proud that Lucy and Anna's family continues that vein.
Both the girls and Amy have been slightly under the weather this week and slightly grumpy, understandably! I was hoping to write an entertaining ditty about our trip to the zoo today that we had planned, but once again work ruined that and I had to go in.
There is one magical moment worth mentioning this week: Lucy loves a bit of rough and tumble and got a fit of the giggles, her giggle is infectious and amazing and I said to my wife you can't get any closer to the meaning of life that listening to that sound. Then five minutes later Anna threw me the most magical smile and I had to think again!

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