Friday 20 March 2009

Lucy's first big night...

Armed with only her wits, courage, brand new 'fifi' pyjamas and knickers, a protective sheet and my big girl is going boldly for her first night ever without a nappy. You go girl! She was so keen, right up to the last minute when you could hear nerves in her voice. She's now asleep so we will see what kind of night she and we have. I get really nervous about things like this, I am not sure whether it is because I don't like to see her upset or I am just afraid of change. Fingers crossed for the Looby chick as she takes another big leap towards growing up...
UPDATE IN THE MORNING: Fantastic, Lucy did it on her first night! She stayed dry and got up to use the toilet at 6am. Cue much celebration and general silliness...

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