Now I am not an egotistical male but sometimes a dad has to do manly things that appeal to his hunter gatherer ego and I have to say it feels quite good. In the last few days I have taken this to levels that I normally don't - I have found it a great experience to do things for my family that mean they have nice and new things that surround them. The one thing is that all this giving is very tiring, I am shattered! I have taken my wife clothes shopping and not moaned at anytime during the process, I have purchased an American style fridge freezer and I have painted and sorted the living room in twenty four hours! In recognition of my saintly actions that world has rewarded me with the following - the weather has been awful and freezing cold for this time of the year, Anna has been fowl and urinated on every area of the carpet, I have undertaken load after load of washing like a maid servant and Lucy has gone back to her rudeness. Thank you Mrs Hammond for being the one bastion of loveliness this weekend and to Libby for your hospitality and feeding me much barbecued flesh!Update on nit check - Lucy is now virtually nit free after combing and more combing and more combing. Unfortunately Mrs Hammond is now littered with the creepy crawlies - I have found the whole thing a really itchy and uncomfortable experience. Almost as horrible as Lucy's new found addiction to 'High School Musical 3'!
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