Tuesday, 1 July 2014

A little bit of birthday swagger and wiggle...

Anna was up unusually early for her this morning and I can't think why she was so excited! After birthday pancakes, opening of presents and cards she skipped off to school with the worlds biggest 'I am six badge' covering virtually the whole of her chest! It was a joy to watch as she proudly told everybody she met that it was her birthday and what all her presents were. 'My daddy and mummy bought me a pretend fish tank light - it's great as I don't have to feed them and the fish don't die!' Quite right Anna. She had much swag - Hobbit figures, a minion rucksack, a new scooter, pop up footy goals for the garden, clothes and much more. Followed up by skidding on her new water slide in the garden, fish and chip supper and chocolate rice crispy cake. A visit from her friend Rosie, who is equally as bonkers as Wiggle and Granny and Grandpa rounded off a great day. I missed the last part of the day as sadly Libby is poorly and in hospital (get well soon) and I gather emotions ran a bit high as the birthday girl tired a bit. I was very moved as I told Anna that I was going to the hospital with Libby and one tear trickled down her cheek as she asked me 'to promise to look after her Libby'. This is why you are loved Wiggle. Happy birthday darling x

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