Tuesday 1 September 2015

Term time is on the way...

The winds of change are blowing in the Hammond house, as the pressure mounts, the preparations are complete and the mayhem that is being two working parents, balancing childcare, clubs, school and trying to get basic things such as a meal together are upon us as the last day of the holidays looms large tomorrow. Thursday heralds the beginning of term and the care free relaxed days of the summer will be long gone. Ask Amy the same question, having spent the whole summer caring for and entertaining our high maintenance children and she may say she is relieved to go back to work and give her a class room full of hyperactive children any day! Life can become very, very busy during term time with the pressures of both our jobs and military planning is required just to get through the week. If we stick together Mrs Hammond we can make it through. Great summers always have an ending sadly. Next stop Christmas!!

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