Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Growing up does not always take a smooth path...

I breath a deep parental sigh as I write this. We have a very argumentative and confrontational Anna on our hands at the moment and I am just a little battle weary. She is once again going through a phase where she is trying to assert herself, but does not listen to things she is asked to do and is determined to do her own thing. Every night we have had the same conflict and every night she is not learning her lesson. What to do with a confrontational Anna? I am exasperated, baffled and at a complete loss at what to do. On the other hand, one of the comedy side effects of both girls growing up so fast is they are becoming body aware and everything is about comedy boobies, bottoms and bodily functions and they find all related to this worth a giggle and they are right! As demonstrated by the picture to the left! I will calm down and have another chat with Anna tomorrow night when I get home and see whether we can iron this out. I am not trying to encourage her to be an ever compliant and robotically obedient person, I want her to have free will and control, but I just need her to meet me half way on occasion and bloody listen to her father!

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