Wednesday 9 December 2015

All because the lady loves....

Anna's new football skins arrived in the post and with much tittering and giggling Amy and I could only come to the conclusion that she looks like the Milk Tray man! Apart from time at school she has not stopped wearing it, off she trotted to bed a few moments ago sporting her new outfit. She has also taken on the mantel of 'bonkers ninja 'with chronic wind. The strange and amusing side effect of these clothes is that every time she puts them on she becomes quite vocal from one end! She is so chuffed with them and it is amazing to see how wearing an outfit you really like has such a positive impact on someone. It's almost as if they give her licence to be Anna and we love that! Please note the Hammond Christmas tree is up in the background of the photo - for once I achieved success without swearing, cursing or injury and all went smoothly with its erection. Things are looking up and only sixteen more sleeps to go. Lucy is now firm in her conviction she is a non believer and that Santa is somebody her parents made up, but so far seems content to go with the subterfuge for her sisters sake who has written to Santa asking for a multitude of Stars Wars toys. Now that I am happy with!

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