Monday, 30 May 2016

Two children, slighty high maintenance for sale, going for a good price to the nearest bidder...

Mrs Hammond's wonderful smile may possibly be the only smile I have seen today as grumpy and grumpier are about as cheerful as the miserable and grey bank holiday weather. Suffering from a complete lack of tolerance for each other and at times personality, I am declaring the official stance that my children can go to bed in the hope they can wake up after a good nights sleep having found the mojo and smiley faces once again. If not I might have to call social services in the morning and adopt them out! Carry on like this and it is going to be a long day tomorrow. I have tried to stem the tide and provide them with entertainment on this most horrible of bank holidays with a trip to the cinema. However, this only served to take them to defcon five and even more hatred and antagonism towards each other as we walked home and began an three hour vendetta to simply wind each other up. Grghhh! I am not going to give them an excuse this time and allow them the comment they are very tired after a long half term at school, but it may be a mitigating factor that I can't really overlook. At this minute I am quite happy to throttle them both, so this will not be considered and I will not cast an empathetic eye towards them until the morning. Some days being a parent can be arduous and difficult. Thank heavens for that winning smile above.. xx

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