Saturday 14 October 2017

Three more days to go and I am nowhere to be seen..

Birthday excitement and expectation is rising, all presents are bought for Lucy and Amy. A mini sewing bee and pizza party (great idea Amy) is organised for Tuesday and the most expensive week of the year is about to begin. There is going to be one thing missing despite all the preparations and year long hints from Mrs Hammond, sadly is going to be me. I am away for the whole week working, Lucy is so upset with me every time we talk about it and I can see it in her eyes. I told her last night that 'wherever I am, what ever I am doing I think of her, Wiggle and your mother all the time. You are my world and make me very proud' She told me that this was cheesy, so she can't be that upset! I am gutted and feel I am letting Amy and the girls down with lots of time away at the moment, and missing key dates such as birthdays just compounds this. I have to keep telling myself, it pays the bills, it pays the bills. I usually get really emotional watching the girls open their presents and I am not sure that Skype will be quite the same. I am though, having most of half time off the next week, so lots to look forward to. I will try my best to make up for my continued absence...

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