Friday 3 July 2020

Birthday celebrations with a bit of a difference...

It pays as a parent in these difficult times to not underestimate the significant change that Covid-19 has thrust into the lives of our children and how difficult this all is for them. Key dates in their lives such as birthdays do not normally come with restraint, risk assessment, compromising decisions and strange behaviours needed by us all that do not even involve such basic human need as being able to hug loved ones. In the week that restrictions have started to be lifted in a more phased way, our lovely Anna has celebrated her twelfth birthday. Amy and I were determined to do what ever we could to make this as normal a day as possible for her. She and her sister have been through so much in recent years and the strange reality of a lockdown birthday is quite a difficult thing for a child to digest. We did this by organising at Anna's request a socially distancing barbecue. Invitations went out to Granny and Grandpa, Kate, Stu and the girls. It was very important indeed for Anna to have wider family there to help her celebrate a special day. So proud of her, for her compromises and thought process for such a young lady and modifying her expectations in these hard times. Very proud indeed. It was lovely, truly a lovely day. Anna received much swag, gave Uncle Stu a lesson in kicking a grown ups arse at football (great to see another person being the victim of her skill and positioning themselves with an ever growing list of excuses - been there and used them myself such as I am wearing the wrong footwear! 😂) I can't say thank you enough to all the family in making what could have been a day to forget into something memorable and special to remember. Most of all Amy, who exhausted by her injured knee - cooked, baked cakes and was amazing. Now to start planning October birthdays!!!! I wonder who that could be? Happy birthday darling Anna - you are much loved xx

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