Sunday 9 August 2020

Beauty and personal grooming are a necessity in a pandemic!

Definitely needed as the world returns slowly back to normal. Order of the day in the Hammond house is some much needed personal grooming! Anna and I headed to the barbers, Mrs Hammond to get her nails done and Lucy got to have the next piercing she had been craving for months. It looks great even if my old fashioned self screams out inside 'no - that's my daughter!!!' It's really important for us as parents to start reintroducing these kinds of things into our children's lives. I know in the grand scheme of things they are not important, but to the well being of my children who have been through so much in recent months, they are at the top of the list and would always embrace that. Today marks the last day of my break and holidays. I do feel a bit rested and it has been nice not to work, but it has not been the time off I needed and tomorrow I'm back to the grind. In introducing slowly things back into the lives of our family, the days out I had hoped for have not come. We are not quite ready and Mrs Hammond is still struggling with her knee 😟 Consultants appointment on Tuesday, so fingers crossed. Although she has admirably ditched the crutches! One day, one week and one month at a time and we can change family life slowly back to where it needs to be. In the meantime, I will put on my big boys pants, knuckle down and that proper break and holiday will come next year. Cornwall anybody?!?

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