Thursday 3 September 2020

Just got to keep taking it one day at a time....

The school holidays are nearly over. If honest we have not really been confident or feeling safe enough to go and do things as a family yet. The infection rate is slowly rising again in the country and everything seems a bit of a blur to me. The Hammond family are still quite content to stay in our 'bubble' and slowly continue to ease ourselves back into 'normal' life. Mrs Hammond started back at work today, mine is slowly rebuilding and the girls face the challenge next Tuesday of finally returning to school for the first time since March. Incredulous when you say it like that! I think they are a bit nervous, with new rules and guidelines to follow, but I really do think it is important to get some structure back in their lives and build on that. Fortress Pond House has been a god send in allowing us to be safe in these times, but time to start fleeing the nest again a bit more!. Our meal out was a huge success last Saturday, great company, good food (well my salad was a bit dire, but you can't have everything) and such a positive experience. One I will repeat again to build my confidence. A lovely moment last night and an impromptu game of Uno with the girls gave me real heart. A simple thing, but an important one never the less. I write this and can say that I am not good, I am struggling with all of this. I worry about the girls, Amy and Joan. I see the country sliding into critical recession and I am just trying to keep a roof over our heads and help the girls rebuild their lives and build a future. This year has been full of challenges I never imagined and my own battle with my health has compounded this. I am winning though. I am feeling healthier and lost so much weight. Hopefully I can continue to try to be a good dad, husband and stay strong.  Sunday would have been Auntie Joan's ninetieth birthday. Every day I have a chat to her, as my parent and wonder what she would have made of all of this. Ask for her advice. My focus remains the same, honor her life, continue her legacy of kindness and caring in everything I do if I can and help people who need it. I hope she would be proud of me. I would have loved to have a call and a visit this Sunday with her, like nothing else and help her celebrate such a landmark birthday. It is not to be and life, all be it somewhat confusing and challenging goes on. Next step get my feral kids back to school and the run up to October birthday week! 

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