Saturday 26 December 2020

A slightly strange one...

This year's festive day was slightly odd. On the eve of Norfolk going into tier four of restrictions, which basically means a lock down and nobody can come in and out of the county. We took the deliberate and sad choice not to see wider family, simply for their safety. We did, however have a lovely quiet family day with swag galore, a beautiful lunch, a bracing morning dog walk, world wide family zoom call with the Sullivan clan and when the kids had had enough of us, Mrs Hammond and I indulged in a bit of 'Die Hard'. An obvious Christmas film classic! 😆 Christmas came upon me so quickly with working right up till late on the day before, under quite stressful circumstances. I tried my best to make it a good day for my tribe and keep a smile up, but found in a bit hard at times not to cover my sadness. Covid continues to dominate our lives and have such an impact and I'm still finding it hard not to be on high alert at all times. The burden and worry of keeping everyone safe feels very heavy these days. I remain, and say it once again, so proud of the girls and their resilience in the midst of all of this. Everyone in the Hammond house seems to find it easier to relax and I'm definitely playing catch up! I've not settled down today at all, choosing to clean the house. I'm hoping a bit of time with Amy and the girls will calm my head down. One can only hope. In this year of years, it is still so important to keep 'normal' things going for the girls and Christmas is most definitely one of those things. We spoilt them rotten. It does warm my heart to give gifts in abundance. So Merry Christmas to my girls and here's to a brighter 2021 xxx

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