Friday 30 May 2008

If only one could go back to passive and immobile!

Once again my wife was naive enough to leave me in charge of Looby (that what we call Lucy on the odd occasion) today. To say we challenged each other this morning is an understatement! Our walk into town was like a dual and I lost miserably. I knew the true meaning of the phrase terrible twos as Lucy screamed prostrate on the pavement shouting 'I don't want it!' At that point I was frantically looking around for a lovely big hole to swallow me up as at least twenty judgemental people were looking on. You could feel them asking questions like how will he deal with it OR I wish people would control their children. The hole never swallowed me up so I had to do some parenting. Eventually I negotiated a peace treaty and we moved on to play on the slides and the ball pool at mega fun. The day did get better and it was a joy to watch Lucy chasing around with another girl called Imogen for at least twenty minutes. I do worry about whether Lucy interacts well with other children. She seems very relaxed in adult company and very tentative in the company of other children.
After all these trails and tribulations, I have to say I was worn out. There are some days that I wish we could go back to inanimate, passive baby who does not move - for just one day would do! Please see picture attached. She was cute, less opinionated and very compliant. HOW THINGS CHANGE!

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