The adult Hammonds are fighting back. In true super nanny fashion we have created a
naughty corner. Lucy has a very real habit of not doing what she is told - she can be belligerent and stubborn. Not at all like her parents! If questioned, I would deny it. My genetics have nothing to do with this. I am calm, never opinionated and very easy person to live with. Lucy has already paid two visits to the corner and she simply was not amused. It did work though. Amy and I talked and decided that this was what we were going to do to ensure that Lucy realises that she can not always do what she wants. Call us naive, but we have a plan and we are sticking to it. Wee wee update - Lucy
has successfully used the toilet twice. However that stubborn streak has called a halt on proceedings. Lucy will not allow people to show her how to do things and again I can't think where she gets it from. Can't be me, I am always open and responsive to new ideas and instruction.
Lucy develops at such a fast rate, that sometimes I leap ahead in what I expect of her understanding. She still has so much to learn and experience and sometimes I can be too hard on her. We took the girls to see their great grand mother today who is very poorly in hospital. I got really angry with Lucy and she disrupted the visit. How can I possibly think she will understand adult concepts such as ill health and sadness. A toddlers world is so insular and we expect them to comply to ours and this really is a leap too far.
Anna, meanwhile is oblivious to all these social and family politics. She is now 10lbs 4ozs. Get in there girl. Damn those boobies are doing a good job! Boy can this girl poo too. I am really starting to feel that I am building a relationship with her. I have turned a corner in the last few days and feel more confident in the things I do with her. She smells simply scrumptious when you cuddle her. I do however prefer interactive and I can't wait till she starts to interact with us and becomes more animated.Thought it would be good describe Anna in F word style. Breasts, Milk, Burp, Cuddle, Settle, Kiss, Bed, Sleep, Wake, Cry, Sleep, Poo, Nappy, Change, Breasts, Milk, Burp, Cuddle, Settle, Kiss. DONE.
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