Thursday, 9 July 2009

The raspberry pickers society outing..

Amy and the girls went raspberry picking today and Lucy could not help but to give me her version of events! 'Daddy I ran really, really, really fast and I ate so much. I ate lots and lots and lots and lots of raspberries, so did Wiggle. Wiggle ate more than me'. I can always count on Lucy to fill me in with an accurate synopsis of the days events when I have been at work. She is not prone to exaggerating at all!
Wiggle as you can see is looking very happy with herself - she is so close to walking, the anticipation is killing me. Come on girl - put your old man out of his misery. A day to look forward to on this coming Sunday, we are having the girls christened. Lucy is only interested in the party afterwards, I have a certain amount of dread as to how either of the girls will react to the water bit of the service. I have this reoccurring nightmare of a massive impending Lucy strop as she declares that it is not hair wash night to the vicar. Only time will tell....

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