Comment one: contents of Jam sandwich on carpet and couch found by daddy. When asked how that got there Lucy replied. 'It was the Jam sandwich, I told it to be tidy and really talked to it and told it off!'
Comment two: as Lucy and I walked through the grave yard yesterday as a short cut home. Lucy stopped, looked upwards, sniffed the air and said ' I can smell baby Jesus and Mary!'
Comment three: 'I am cold but I can't get under the blanket. My babies must go under the blanket. I must be a brave mummy..'
Lucy has discovered her wit, Anna has discovered how to hit. She will not stop belting people this week. Sometimes she hits you as she is singing 'Twinkle, twinkle little star', quite a novel experience I can tell you! I would expect that kind of behaviour from a Quentin Tarantino hit man in one of his films, not a one year old. I remember Lucy going through a toddler hitting phase and it did pass (fingers crossed). So as a consequence Anna is making many visits to the naughty step and not doing much else at the moment. Oh no, apologies she is constantly whinging too!