Monday, 12 May 2014

Outshone in the technical department....

I am not that quick (positively scared out of my wits) on the uptake when it comes to popular or new technology and I can really take some persuading to embrace the new order of things. For example today, I got a new mobile phone and Lucy gave me some real tips on what to get. 'You definitely need to go for an IPhone Daddy rather than a Samsung Galaxy - much better with the internet, games and aps and we can Facetime you! They are so much more solid if you drop them too' Lucy's words are a real indictment of how generations and young people have changed and evolved in recent years. When I was her age, I was scared to even make a call on a landline, let alone do anything else! Simply, I took her up on her advice and bought her recommendation. I see a future career in technology sales coming on here Lucy. I did, however, decline the request to download the 'Moshling village' and 'Minion rush' aps though...

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