Thursday 15 May 2014

Praise indeed!!

After many years of working away from home and long hours I have temporarily called time on my career and resigned from my current post. It all became too much and I have to say I simply wanted to be at home with my family; the balance had gone and all I was doing was working and my time with Amy and the girls was becoming less and less, even at weekends. I am lucky enough to be able to have a bit of a break and simply be a dad and a husband. I will have to go back to work in the coming months and bring in some money but for the time being I am concentrating on being a family man and nothing else. I am relishing every minute of lost time. Or so I thought! For the past four days I have been grafting in the jungle that is our back garden and so impressed with my efforts was Anna when she came back from school that she came out with a real gem. 'Wow dad - you must have really worked your butt off!' Thanks Wiggle - I did indeed!

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