Sunday, 7 August 2016

I came in like a pineapple!

Lucy often comes up with random and silly songs, usually delivered with a comedy accent. Her latest effort is the following song and only god knows from what dark depths of her brain this one came from! 'I came in like a pineapple, with extra cheese balls and don't forget the chilli sauce!' This song even comes with its own dance.To celebrate this wacky song, Amy found her a pineapple t-shirt and the completed irony of her sticking her tongue out in the photo I took  earlier today, is that she is not well this evening and being sick in the sink! I have just seen that expression again, but for real this time. Anna has also spent the day with a poorly tummy as well, so its definitely going to be a good night tonight in the Hammond house! Amy has us all eating a low fat diet, perhaps the children in the house are staging a protest of sorts! Get well soon both of you and may I hear many more pineapple songs tomorrow....xx

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