Sunday, 21 August 2016

We really do speak to each other like that!

I was ribbing Anna this weekend at her footy training session re starting ballet  lessons and she came back at me with 'you'd look great in a pink Tutu fatty!' Her coach looked at me, smiled and high fived Anna with much praise for her great comeback! Later her coach told me how she thought that was quite quick witted for an eight year old. I explained that we have been sarcastically arguing with each other since the day she was born! As indicated by Mrs Hammond's facial expression, this can sometimes come back to haunt us. We do speak to the girls in a very grown up fashion and as they continue to learn more developed and adult social boundaries, let's say, a line can sometimes be crossed! Lucy has definitely moved beyond entry level sarcasm and to coin her phrase can often be just a little bit 'sassy'! Her intelligent use of this lowest form of wit can often be greatly beyond her years, it's not so admirable if you are on the receiving end though. I do wish to continue to try and teach them all ways of communicating but worry about how well I am arming our girls for the battleground that all parents face in the teenage years, when I am the opposition. Its like arming your enemy with a nuclear weapon when all you have is a stick! I am going to find out in the next year or so and the sarcasm will come thick and fast I am sure. In the mean time I will gather my own list of classic comebacks to ensure I am at least able to defend myself. Bring on those teenage years, I am ready (sort of, maybe, perhaps I need a bit more time...)

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