Wednesday 5 July 2017

Make me a scone Kitty Cobblers!

Lights down, curtains up and the spectacle that was the year six play did not disappoint this evening. 'Oh what a knight' - an Arthurian musical with lots of barrel laughs. Lucy played her part with confidence, skill and a healthy dose of talent in delivering a comical line. She was so calm and assured and without bias I can easily say she was one of the stars of the show. Some of the gags were hilarious and a little close to the adult mark. She made a fine ' Kitty Cobblers' and I would have definitely eaten her scones! Cleary all the children and teachers had worked incredibly hard and it obviously meant so much to them all. The nerves were quickly replaced by excitement and sheer enjoyment and no child epitomised this more than Lucy. Well done sweetheart, you have created a school memory that you will treasure forever and you were truly brilliant. Anna scored her an 11/10! Perhaps she might choose drama when she gets to the academy next year? I am slightly nervously awaiting the outcome of Lucy SATS exams tomorrow and the deal I made with Lucy that could cost me some serious cash. I may be the only one not celebrating her success for a change! 

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