Thursday 15 November 2018

I had a moment..

Panicked - not my Looby Chick?! She really settling into her new school and every day she comes home saying in 'borderline and monosyllabic teenage' fashion that it has been a better day. This is music to my ears as her switch of schools was my main worry about the move. She is doing well, in some tops sets as well following her initial assessment. She has been really calm about it all, and nothing as yet has really phased her. A few dramas with new friends already, but nothing other than teenage girls spending time with each other. I had a real flutter of pride this evening when I got back from work and found Lucy beavering away at her homework on the new dining room table. It was a picture not to forget. She sounded out the warning 'I am going to need more space when I am revising for GCSE's'. This was a benchmark comment that showed me how she is now settling in and a renewed passion for learning again. She's come downstairs and presented her Christmas list to Amy and there is now a heated debate going on about spelling. Things are settling down, back to normal and I am pleased as punch...

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