Thursday, 5 December 2019

Who would have thought she would have needed to take such evasive measures?!

I am useless. Last week was the first time I had managed to attend a parents evening ever (yes ever, in fourteen years and I hang my head in shame) and I was suitably late having got stuck in traffic. I am always so very proud of the reports and feedback about the girls. So I was curious to arrive and find Mrs Hammond trying on protective police body armour!!? Surely, the feedback about Lucy progress could not be that bad! Just kidding, this was at the internet safety stand and the offer was made to Lucy to try it on, she blushed and simply stood back embarrassed as her mother had a go. Suits you Mrs Hammond! Parents evening was a success with the only feedback to work on for Lucy to control her talking a bit in class. 'And this one time, in band camp...' Private joke between Amy and I. Good work Lucy. Anna school report arrived today and was equally as glowing. If you compare their input and levels of  hard work at home, to those at school, then these really positive achievements should be impossible. That's an argument for another day! Well done girls and keep up the hard work. Twenty more sleeps till Christmas xx

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