Wednesday, 1 April 2020

You couldn't make this up...

It's not a hard thing to do stay in isolation as a family with all this space, fresh air in the garden and loads of dog walking. Having sampled some of the front line in the fight against Coronavirus in my visits to care homes in the last week, what we are going through is nothing compared to those nurses, doctors and carers caring for thousands in overstretched wards and hospitals. It can be frustrating and you suffer from cabin fever at times. It's scary being out there and I'm not afraid to admit it. My work puts me at risk and I am petrified of bringing the virus home. A simple shopping trip could change your life and that of those around you. I am being as careful as I can be. Its day nine and the rest of the family is doing good; with everyone settled into a routine and relaxing, getting work done, on the odd occasion helping in the house (kids I stress on the odd occasion!) It is hard being told to stay put, take away all your freedoms to move around, it's the right thing to do and we will do our bit, as well as Amy and I through our jobs if needed. We will be doing this for months, its hard but we continue to see the positives. I continue to eat healthily and have lost 21lbs!! I must say in the face of my 'snacking' family on lockdown, it's proving quite a challenge and still holding my own, just about!!! It's April fools day and the day takes on a different significance. No need for pranks today, you couldn't make this all up if you tried and we continue to live in strange and frightening times. All I need is that we all stay safe as a family, contribute where we can and get through this. If that means stuck in together for a sustained period of time, then so be it. If it saves my families life, then that is all the matters xx 

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