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Christmas with my family is over and on Monday I have to return to work. It's two days after Christmas day and we still have presents to open in our house! Yesterday I took charge of the terrible twosome on my own, whilst Amy went shopping. Anna must be the most perceptive baby in the land, she saw me coming, she clearly knew I did not have a clue when it comes to babies. She pooed (several times), she posited, she cried and she slept for a much smaller amount of the time she usually does! It went well. Lucy continues to frustrate, I have put in a lot of parental graft with her toilet training and nothing. You start to wonder whether you are using the right methods and then the Lucy the toddler pounces and seizes upon my weaknesses and simply digs her heels in. These two have simply got me wrapped around their little fingers. Who's in charge here? Definitely not me, I think I am below the cat in our family pecking order....
I have had a lovely day with my three girls (that includes she who must be obeyed), real quality time. The time we spent together was made up simple activities, but they have left a real impression on me. Going for a coffee with Looby this morning and singing songs on the walk, the cuddle I shared with Anna this afternoon and nearly making her giggle (she just smells amazing) or helping Lucy with her big bike with stabilizers and watching her do so well. Simple, but amazing things. It's not been all sugar and spice and all things nice, at times Lucy has been a real challenge and is still hyped up from Christmas, it's 8.30pm on boxing day and she still hasn't opened all her presents and I have to say we have gone back to loosing the toileting battle. Today, who cares it's been a cracking day....
Christmas day has nearly finished and Anna has slept through most of her first Christmas day. If Lucy had sat still for over a minute I may well have joined her and had a kip. It has been a lovely Christmas day, if somewhat exhausting! Lucy has had a mixed, smiley and giggly but at times has been over excitable and grumpy with it. She has delighted in telling so many people today that Santa is stuck in our chimney. She has received so many gifts that she will have to carry on opening them on Boxing Day! The time that Anna has been awake she has spent a lot of time in her new walker and has loved it. Although at times she got over stimulated too! Watching the girls in action has been a delight. Christmas is for children and today I realised why. As Amy said to Lucy this morning it is also a time to give and enjoying giving. Many people have enjoyed giving to Lucy today!! Must give a mention to Amy for the fabulous roast beef today, really floated my boat...
The Hammond girls have had a very eventful week. Anna has spent loads of time in her bouncer this week and it definitely induces giggles, she loves it. Lucy has finally pooed on the toilet - only once, but thank god. I knew she could do it. There has been much celebration, even friends of the family have showed their relief and delight. I wasn't at home when it happened, Amy said she was so proud. It the small things!!! Us parents get so excited and obsessed by some seriously strange things. Moving on - Santa is coming and to celebrate Lucy is singing her own song which is a cross between 'Away in a manger' and 'Merry Christmas everybody'. It's a musical master piece and will reinvent all Christmas musical tradition. It is also sung completely out of tune. Lucy is getting very excited about Christmas, she has a better understanding this year and is definitely aware that many presents are coming her way. I on the other hand, am doing my usual 'will work screw up my family Christmas and time with Amy and the girls.' Watch this space......
Anna has begun a new adventure this week. Amy went back to work on the 15th, so yesterday was Anna's first full day at nursery and as only Anna can, she simply took it in her stride and smiled all day, chilled out as ever! I have been really nervous and worried about it, to me she just seems so small and vulnerable and I still don't feel comfortable about her going. However the nursery is so lovely and I look forward to seeing Anna become part of their extended family, because that is what it is - it has a real family atmosphere. I have been walking the girls to nursery this week and we have had a lovely time, singing songs, taking a trip down the magic path and Lucy told me this morning 'Don't worry daddy I will look after Anna in the baby room.' These words combined with Lucy singing truly scrumptious to Anna made me feel so much more at ease. I wish I had a job that pays enough so that Amy could stay at home with the children, I know that is what she would dearly love to do. One day, one day.....I know that it is an old fashioned value, but something I would really like to do for my family.
We have been struggling for weeks to attempt to get Lucy to use the potty to have a poo, but to no avail. I have to say we are loosing the battle miserably. So on the off chance Amy decided to start Anna off early by sitting her on the potty. She is no even sitting up yet! Despite this at the tender age of five months old she managed a little pee. Cue much celebration! I know it was coincidence but let me have my moment of joy. We have got so desperate with Lucy we have even tried a present that Santa has given us to give to Lucy if she poos on the toilet. We have made dummy and fake phone calls from Santa encouraging her and you guessed it, I am being Santa. There are some parenting days that I have no dignity what so ever! Anna is so close to giggling and it looks frustratingly that Lucy may be the first person to crack her, she was tickling her this evening and the lovely sound we are all waiting for was nearly articulated. I am so excited to hear Anna's voice and hearing her giggle would be that first step...
I am afraid today my joy is not family related, but I am on such a high it must simply be blogged and recorded forever. Have been to Carrow Road today and we crucified Ipswich. Sheer and unbridled joy. Anyway, me, chocolate face and Anna hung out last night as mummy had some time away to chill out and watch 'Strictly come bollocks' at Granny's. I get very nervous when I have the girls on my own and always have a dip in my confidence and my ability to be a good dad, despite this last night went really well. We will gloss over the minor detail that I forgot what Anna has in her bottle and this could (perhaps) have contributed to her waking up in the middle of the night hungry. Well nobody is perfect. Looby after a damn good scrubbing in the bath really helped with caring for her little sister. This weekend's other highlight involved seeing Lucy's nursery Christmas tree at the festival, so many people have come up to me and said they saw her picture on the tree. Use of the word proud would be an understatement......
The Hammond girls are bonding and I know that sooner or later all these women are going to begin ganging up on me! God help me. In all seriousness Anna adores Lucy despite the simple fact that Lucy spends half her time poking and prodding her little sister. Lucy is really getting into girl power - she is fond of singing quotes from current songs such as 'here come the girls' OR 'does he wash up, does he brush up, girl that boy does nothing!' The latter she enjoys singing and then pointing to her daddy, an act that is particularly hurtful as I do most of the housework. Lucy is into rewarding people with stickers and stars this week and if I do something such as get the wood in for the fire I am greeted with a vaguely patronising statement such as 'that's brilliant, well done daddy, have a sticker!' Who is teaching who about the value of contributing in your household? Last week I was using the system of stickers for rewarding Lucy with helping in the house, how the tables have turned. Girl power is taking over my house.....
It has been a good week or so since I have time to blog about family life, it's stupid but I have really missed it. We have had a big DIY project on at home and as you can see I have had alot of help (or hindrance - depending on your perspective). Helpful and encouraging comments from Lucy such as 'good boy daddy, would you like a red star for doing the painting!' have helped me no end as I approach hour number twenty painting our bloody hallway!! A dear friend of ours, Kate, has announced she is pregnant this week and we were talking about parenting and having children. Our girls are so lovely, despite all the hard and tiring times, they are truly a gift. Anna has settled down again and is weeks or even days away from giggling and it is a heavenly noise that I can't wait to hear. Lucy becomes more lively and talkative as each day goes by, if it were more possible for her to become more lively. Watching and listening to her and Amy making Christmas biscuits on Sunday was amazing. With Christmas around the corner I can feel good times are coming for the family Hammond, really good times......